
Struggling to grow?

You need a coach.

Looking to build a career in a product company? Not clear how to build or grow a product?

Get your questions answered by a professional who has been there, done there.

Personal & Professional Growth, Redefined.

Video & Chat Interactions

Get mentored with the coaches through on demand video call & Chat

World Class Experts

Interact and get inspired with experts who have built world class products

Practical Knowledge

Get hands on learning, tips and strategies to excel in your product career or business

One platform, multiple benefits for your success

Mock Interviews

Prepare for your upcoming interview with a product company.

Career Guidance

Not sure what to do next in life? Your coach will bring the best out of you.

Business Strategy

Refine your product, marketing or growth strategy with a coach

Personal Growth

Let your coach make you more organized and productive in life and work

What do you get?

personal touch

On demand video calls with interactive and personalized learning

GROWTH community

Invite only access to community with networking and growth opportunities.

Actionable insights

Forget theory. Apply what you learn to your business or job. Create world class products.

Select Coaching Plans


$ 49
  • 1 X 60 Min Call


$ 99
  • 2 X 60 Min Calls
  • 7 Day Unlimited Chat


$ 199
  • 4 X 60 Min Calls
  • 30 Days Unlimited Calls

Looking for a coach for your team? Get in touch

Coaching Tracks

Our Coaches can help you with one or more of the following

How Coaching Helps?

Choose Right Career

Choose something you love and you will never have to work again. A coach will help you find the career as per your passion and skills.

Fast track Growth

Willing to work hard but falling short of success? Guidance from coach will help you think outside the box and move ahead.

Work Life Balance

Not having enough time for family and fun? A coach will help you become productive and organized for the right balance in your life.

Be Happy

If you enjoy what you do, you will be happy. A coach will provide the necessary motivation and resources to be happy while you enjoy life.

What we offer

Video Interaction

Live video sessions

Live Chat

Unlimited chat with the experts

Tools & Techniques

Best practices & techniques

Success Roadmap

Clear path to execution

Transform the Way You Work

Teach online or mentor students and professionals from around the world.

We conduct regular skill based trainings to help professionals and teams build world class products.
Get in touch for any specific requirement.
Have queries? Check out our FAQs in the Knowledge Base


Most frequent questions and answers

Once you have purchased the product, you will be connected with a coach and asked to choose a meeting time as per mutual convenience. 

We will assign a coach who understand your domain and requirement.

You will be asked to fill a questionnaire where you can share details about your requirement.

You will get an onboarding document with details on the mode of interaction.

We have an expertise in product management and development domain. Currently we offer coaching across 

  • Product Management
  • Product Design
  • Product Marketing
  • Business Analysis
  • Project Management
  • Agile Product Development

In the future we will be adding more domains.

We have 3 different product offering priced between $49-$199 with different level of services.

You can mention your requirement in the questionnaire post payment process.

You can be a

  • Working professional
  • MBA or engineering student in your final year
  • Startup founder or
  • Someone who is on a career break.

If you feel that you are stuck and need guidance to chart your next course of action, then this coaching is suitable for you.

Please contact us to discuss group discounts.

You can reschedule it later.

We will only provide the necessary feedback to improve your resume. However we can recommend few good companies who can help with resume writing.

Yes you can book a session with our coaches to help you with your product growth.

We carefully vet our coaches and feel confident to provide the best coaching experience to you. However if you are not satisfied with the coaching experience, then we can align another coach or refund your money.

You need to let us know within 24 hours of finishing your coaching session.

You can chat with your coach and ask your doubts or queries any number of times during your service period. All our coaches have work commitments (including day jobs) so they typically respond within 4-8 hours.

You need to respect their time and wait until you get your questions answered. 

We Building Products

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