
Home » Vendors » Alinean


Value Selling and Marketing.

Category: Marketing

City: Winter Part

Country: United States


About Alinean

Alinean helps B2B vendors to survive Frugalnomics, developing and delivering value marketing and selling messaging, tools and training to improve value storytelling and financial justification .

Alinean’s interactive ValueStory brings value messaging to life, customizing the communication and quantification of your benefits for each prospect and conversation to generate more demand, engage earlier, ignite buying decisions, accelerate sales cycles and increase deal size.
Leading B2B firms leveraging Alinean tools include: HP, IBM, Microsoft, ADP, OfficeMax, Dell, Intel, IDC/IDG, AT

Product Gigs

End to end product management from idea to MVP
Make your software team product savvy
Learn to Build a Product Story & Loyal Customers for B2B Products

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