Digital Business

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Digital Business

Digital production full service provider

Category: MarketingDesign Services

City: Porto Alegre

Country: Brazil

55 ( 51 ) 3029.6040

About Digital Business

We are the biggest full service Brazilian group in digital production. 

We are a hub of specialist companies at every stage of digital transformation, which unites knowledge and synergy, to deliver complete products to our customers.

Our services:

Consulting Systems analysis and design Dedicated Design Teams Web Products Design

Digital Projects Development Back-end (.NET, JAVA and PHP) Front-end (HTML5, Node .JS, JavaScript and AngularJS) Apps iOS and Android (native and hybrid) API’s scalable solutions (Rest and Soap)

BI and Collaboration Power BI SharePoint Collaborative Portals Collaborative Intranets]

Creative Services Digital Media Video Production Animation 2D and 2D illustrations

Product Gigs

End to end product management from idea to MVP
Make your software team product savvy
Learn to Build a Product Story & Loyal Customers for B2B Products

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