[shema] / smart digital team

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[shema] / smart digital team

Digital marketing, analytics, technology & dev

Category: Marketing

City: Kyiv

Country: Ukraine

+380 (95) 524 19 98

About [shema] / smart digital team

Solutions at the intersection of digital marketing, technology and analytics for Business to increase profit and for Marketers to simplify their work.


Thoughtful, structured, reasonable, conscious.


Our solutions work best for sites with traffic from 300,000 sessions per month.


How [shema] team can help your business:


> DIGITAL PROMOTION Research and digital strategy; PPC Campaigns (Google Ads, Facebook etc.) for ROI and Reach; PPC Campaigns Review.


> ANALYTICS & DATA Web analytics; End-to-end analytics; Data Streaming to storage (BigQuery, etc.); Data Import into GA or BQ from advertising sources; Advanced reporting (PowerBI, GDS); ROPO effect calculation; Chat Bot Analytics.


> TECHNOLOGY & DEVELOPMENT PPC Automation; Our own Call-Tracking system (without changing the number); Data Parsing; Custom IT solutions (scripts, etc.); Chat bots (Messenger/Telegram) development; Search results parsing (data parsing on demand).


AND EVEN MORE! Digital marketing consultations; Solution of tasks when it looks like there are no solutions.


If you have a task that is related to the data and you do not know whether it is possible to solve it at all – contact us, we like such tasks very much!

Product Gigs

End to end product management from idea to MVP
Make your software team product savvy
Learn to Build a Product Story & Loyal Customers for B2B Products

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