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Profitable Marketing

Category: Marketing

City: Tel Aviv

Country: Israel


About Wisy

Wisy is a combination of Wise, rounded off with a Y at the end, and it is pronounced like Nike, Spikey etc. – an attempt at connecting sophistication and emotion.

Our logo is the image of an orchestra conductor, since we see marketing as a concert of actions. Nowadays, unlike in the past, you cannot promote a bad website. You always need to perform a set of actions and if everything works properly – it results in a concert.
Wisy was founded out of love, out of a great love of technology, of the internet, of marketing of advertising, of working with people and more.

We are a high- class boutique for online marketing, a team of nearly twenty people located at 7 Haomanim St. in Tel Aviv, a one- minute walk from Azrieli, and (coincidently) our window looks right into Googles’.

Our slogan is “Profitable Marketing”. It really should be “Profitable Online Marketing”, but the designer ran out of space 

We do not touch “traditional marketing” in the offline world, we are well versed in it, but it is not our expertise and we would rather only work in our field of expertise, which is all online marketing services.

What interests us, and what differentiates us too, is making the most of what there is, and making the most of the client’s budget. A business does not always need rank in the top position on google and it does not always need Facebook. The trick is optimizing the money, making the most of what there is.

Ido, the owner of the company’s moto is “do your best” and that is what guides us here at Wisy: “Make the most of the clients budget”.

In Wisy, we make sure to read all the relevant material from Israel and abroad about website promotion, online marketing and marketing in general.



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